Favourite juice combinations

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I’m trying to get more veges into the diet of my kids! (They will drink veges so long as they’re in sweet juice and they don’t know they are there, or eat them blended up in pasta, etc.,) Also, I will share below how mint and parsley help me with bad morning breath!

‘Orange Juice’
1 small piece of ginger
Celery (all leaves cut off to reduce the bitterness)
A few strawberries

‘Pink Juice’
1/4 beetroot
1/4 lemon

‘Exotic Juice’
Small bunch mint
Small bunch parsley

‘Savoury Juice’
Small piece of garlic
Small bunch of spinach
1/4 beetroot

Mint and parsley are both amazing for natural help with bad breath. They don’t just mask the problem, they actually will help to purify the breath from the inside of the body. Parsley also helps purify the lungs and increase circulation in the body. When I make juice with lots of parsley, I can tell the difference to my breath for at least half the day, so long as I continue eating whole, fresh food. Processed, sugary foods and animal products lead to bad breath and other body odours.

Also, I believe people mistakenly blame certain vegetables and beans for odours and flatulence. Yes, they can cause a lot of gas in combination with processed foods. However, I have found when I was faithfully following the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) way of eating which is basically just plant-based and unprocessed, the beans stopped causing problems. As soon as I removed sugar, refined products and animal products. Processed food is the biggest cause of unfriendly bacteria in the digestive system, and when high-fibre foods encounter them the reaction is explosive!

Beans are highly beneficial to the digestive system and have so many other health benefits, as well as being cost-effective. Cabbage is another ‘windy’ food, that has so many benefits for the stomach. Cabbage juice is perfect to drink in the morning. The taste by itself can be a bit off-putting, but it is delicious combined with apple.

Also, there are certain spices that reduce flatulence when added to food – especially turmeric. I often add some turmeric when cooking beans.
