The Pearl of Great Worth

I found you in an unexpected way

And my everyday life won’t be the same

I couldn’t be without you – too great a loss

I knew I had to have you at any cost

How much you cost – everything I own!

But you’re the one I want to bring home

More precious than anything else on earth

Also known as, “The Pearl of Great Worth”

© Leesa Briones 2021

Image credit: 4924546 from Pixabay

The Lord is My Shepherd – Psalm 23 Poem

Photo by FRANK MERIÑO from Pexels

Lord, You are my shepherd and I am your sheep

You are my provider, You know all my needs

Our journey each day may be rocky and steep

But You always lead me to quiet and peace

The shadow of death makes the valley so dark

We walk down together, still on the right path

When I Iose the way I can follow Your staff

I can’t see Your face yet Your love lights my heart

Our path leads through enemy territory

Yet I’m not afraid, You are always with me

The table is set, Your cup flowing for me

Your love is my perfume, Your grace is my feast

You lead me to life by the very best way

Though sometimes I stumble, and often I stray

You restore and forgive my every mistake

In Your home beside You forever I’ll stay

© Leesa Briones 2021

The Seed of the Woman

Image from Canva

From the foundation

You promised the woman

Her seed would crush the serpent

The end of his reign is nearing

All of Your creation

Waits in earnest expectation

For Your manifestation

Hoping and praying

For Your unveiling

From the dust You formed us

And to dust we’ve been returning

All of Your creation

Groans with ultimate frailty

Your Spirit knows our hearts and

Groans with compassion in translation

He carries our unspoken prayers to Heaven

In intercession

Our one hope, the Seed of the woman

The only Seed who rose again

To bloom in the desert

And offer life to all the thirsting

To every generation

There is only one invitation

To exchange our suffering for His glory

At His unveiling

© Leesa Briones 2021

Love Never Fails

True love is not found at glorious, soaring heights,

Extravagant, mouth-watering feasts

Or in meadows of fragrant flowers

It is found in the corners, creases and quiet seconds

Making the mundane a sacred song

It is an oasis in dry desert dunes

Patiently pursuing

Constantly kind

Holding hands

An unquenchable warm heart

Through storms and floods

It never drowns

True love’s light burns brighter in the darkest, tear-drenched nights

Through hardship and hunger, the meager meal delights in love’s garnish

Strength, beauty and splendour often precede, and sometimes surround, love

But they can all exist apart from it,

And love unveils its true beauty when it has to disrobe of these outer glories

For truest love stands, even when the earth shakes and falls.

It always gives, though it scorns to be bought or sold.

It is the singing stream, in the desert of dry bones,

That saves the lost.

It never fails.

© Leesa Briones 2021

This is a poem I finished on Valentine’s day this year when we had a lockdown – what better excuse to share a poem I wrote about how love thrives and shines amid the ordinary and difficult moments. This poem was inspired by my husband, who has been through so much after being admitted to the hospital with crushing back-pain and being diagnosed with cancer. He and I have grown closer through the difficult times. In the hospital he spent a lot of time bed-ridden and I had to bring him food, move him around in a wheelchair and shower him. It made me think about how I had taken the simple things for granted. At that time I thought about a simple dream of being able to walk with him on the beach, holding hands. Thankfully he is able to walk again and his cancer is currently at a low level. Despite his pain he is so considerate every day. Whenever he has the energy he helps around the house and plays with the kids. He always likes to leave the kitchen clean at night so when I get up in the morning, the first thing I see is a clean kitchen! In my opinion the small things, repeated every day can make or break a relationship.

Image credit: coryclayful from Pixabay A silhouette of a couple’s hands with a backdrop of tall grass, a blue sky, and bright sun.

Your Love

Verse 1:

How can it be that you would paint the sky for me?

The whole array of nature lies beneath these sunset skies

And how can it be, that You would give your heart to me?

To these awkward hands You know, just keep on letting go


How can it be, how can there be so much beauty

In one man, the One who set me free?


And the sunset paints my heart like the sky

Is this what it’s like to look into your eyes?

Where Heaven and earth seem to touch

I couldn’t do anything, to escape Your love

Verse 2:

How can it be that You would still forgive me

When I have rejected You a thousand times before?

And how can it be, that You would give Your life for me?

Even dying on the cross, Your arms stretched out to us

(Bridge, Chorus)

I couldn’t do anything bad enough, to run away from Your love

You love me so much

You love me so much

© Leesa Briones 2021

I wrote this song while watching a sunset with my guitar. Sunrise and sunset are my favourite times of the day. It just seems like God has painted the sky, and I feel like I could just soak up the beauty and keep it in my heart.

Image credit: David Mark from Pixabay A man running barefoot where the sky and sea meet in a bright golden orange sunset that is reflecting on the wet sand.


Verse 1:

Raindrops fall so pure and true

They melt away and I’m with you, with you in

Sweet golden fields and flowers free

Resting under our own blue sea, blue sea


And wouldn’t it be lovely

To have Heaven

And You with me

Closer than we are

Right now,

All I know of you in my heart and soul

Is a shadow

Of reality

And wouldn’t it be lovely

Verse 2:

Laughing eyes and healing hands

Love that grows and heals our land, heals our land

Say goodbye to all the pain

The tears we cry are in yesterday, yesterday

© Leesa Briones 2021

This is a song I wrote about looking forward to Heaven. And I’m not just looking forward to beautiful scenery. I’m looking forward to meeting my Creator, and never having to say goodbye to loved ones again, and never being lonely. To the whole world being healed and, full of love and peace.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay A silhouette of a couple standing in a grassy field holding hands, in front of a golden sunrise.

Her Song

She wrote a song, didn’t think much of it

But her melody reached right to my soul

She sang a song

It sounded like Heaven

But she would keep it to herself

She wrote a song

That could heal the whole wide world’s aching hearts

Could put the divas and the rock stars to shame

A song that reached out and called your name

But no-one knew

She kept her song in a lonely place where

She knew she wouldn’t often visit there

She hid her song, and still she hides it

You can see her joy is fading away

She kept her song, through all the years she could have sung it loud

All the times she couldn’t speak her aching heart

Now she’s crying cos she can’t remember quite how it goes

May all the flowers wither up, the leaves turn brown and die

Before these songs of our hearts, can all be kept inside

© Leesa Briones 2021

I wrote this song as a story about someone who had something beautiful to share, and never did, and waited for so long that she forgot. The greatest regrets in life are often from what we don’t do. Not showing love, or trying our best, or sharing the gifts God has given us. I believe God has given everyone something special – a “God spark” inside of them, to share and bless the world with.

Image credit: Sarah Richter from Pixabay A woman wearing a wedding dress, playing piano at the beach, with a soft yellow sunrise on the horizon.

In My Heart

Verse 1:

It’s a lonely day, grey rain grey sky

I look through my window, watch the day passing by

And I think that if I had wings I would fly

Away, far away from here

They say You’re close with me but it feels so far

And sometimes I’m not even sure who You are

And it’s like looking at a shooting star

So beautiful, but it soon disappears


But I know You love me, and You’re always here

Your endless love cuts through my fear

And though You seem far now I know You’re near

Right here in my heart

Verse 2:

Your love I know is always with me

But sometimes I find it hard to see

So I know that faith is the only key

The key, to get me through

I get on my knees and start to pray

And though You, Lord, still seem far away

I can say the words I found hard to say,

“Lord, I love You.’

And I know You love me, and You’re always here

Your endless love cuts through my fear

And though You seem far now I know You’re near

Right here in my heart

Right here in my heart

© Leesa Briones 2021

This is a song that I wrote when I was a teenager. Often I wrote songs when I felt a bit sad or lonely. It’s about how sometimes God can seem far away when we feel alone, but He’s actually really close. He never leaves us.

Image credit: Photo Mix from Pixabay A silhouette of two hands making a heart in front of blue-grey and golden sunrise.

Strawberry Smoothie

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Who can beat a strawberry smoothie? I only use four ingredients – strawberries, 1 ripe banana, milk, and one tablespoon of a liquid sweetener.  (I also love adding vanilla but I have just run out of it). To enhance the colour I found a couple tablespoons of grated beetroot deepen the desirable pink colour. (It requires a lot of strawberries to make it bright pink otherwise). I buy strawberries on special, wash and remove the green bits, then chuck them in freezer bags and freeze them for when I need them, otherwise they go off pretty quickly.


Favourite juice combinations

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I’m trying to get more veges into the diet of my kids! (They will drink veges so long as they’re in sweet juice and they don’t know they are there, or eat them blended up in pasta, etc.,) Also, I will share below how mint and parsley help me with bad morning breath!

‘Orange Juice’
1 small piece of ginger
Celery (all leaves cut off to reduce the bitterness)
A few strawberries

‘Pink Juice’
1/4 beetroot
1/4 lemon

‘Exotic Juice’
Small bunch mint
Small bunch parsley

‘Savoury Juice’
Small piece of garlic
Small bunch of spinach
1/4 beetroot

Mint and parsley are both amazing for natural help with bad breath. They don’t just mask the problem, they actually will help to purify the breath from the inside of the body. Parsley also helps purify the lungs and increase circulation in the body. When I make juice with lots of parsley, I can tell the difference to my breath for at least half the day, so long as I continue eating whole, fresh food. Processed, sugary foods and animal products lead to bad breath and other body odours.

Also, I believe people mistakenly blame certain vegetables and beans for odours and flatulence. Yes, they can cause a lot of gas in combination with processed foods. However, I have found when I was faithfully following the CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) way of eating which is basically just plant-based and unprocessed, the beans stopped causing problems. As soon as I removed sugar, refined products and animal products. Processed food is the biggest cause of unfriendly bacteria in the digestive system, and when high-fibre foods encounter them the reaction is explosive!

Beans are highly beneficial to the digestive system and have so many other health benefits, as well as being cost-effective. Cabbage is another ‘windy’ food, that has so many benefits for the stomach. Cabbage juice is perfect to drink in the morning. The taste by itself can be a bit off-putting, but it is delicious combined with apple.

Also, there are certain spices that reduce flatulence when added to food – especially turmeric. I often add some turmeric when cooking beans.
